We have written about cannabis extracts before, highly potent and flavorful extracts which have taken over the cannabis industry since their introduction around twenty years ago. We’ll take a look at one of the most popular types of concentrates: marijuana wax.
This post will cover important topics such as how to use wax and answer questions like “how do you smoke wax?”
What is Marijuana Wax? What is Marijuana Wax?
We mentioned a few moments ago that while wax is relatively a new product, its potency and taste have made it one the most popular products in our dispensary. The wax is usually a creamy amber color. It’s easy to use because of its consistency.
As with all cannabis extracts, wax is far more potent than cannabis flowers. Concentrates like wax, which can reach up to 90% THC, are far more potent than cannabis flowers. This means that the products must be treated with respect and caution, because their effects can last a long time and be intense.
Top Tips for Smoke Wax
It’s important for even seasoned marijuana concentrats fans to keep in mind that these products are very potent. Cannabis naive patients should not use these products. We advise customers who are new to concentrates to “start slowly and go low”. While the effects of too much THC may be unpleasant, they’re not dangerous. Most unwanted side effects will subside within a few hours. Remember, you can always take cannabis again later. But not less.
This specialized tool, which is similar to a bong, has a quartz or metal “nail” instead of a standard bowl. This piece has a flat bottom designed to retain heat.
You can’t use a lighter or match to heat the nail or banger. For a powerful and tightly focused flame, we recommend a butane kitchen torch. You’ll need to be careful and take the necessary precautions with any device of this type.
You’ll also need a dabbing device: a small spear-like tool that you can use to collect the desired amount and apply it directly to the hot nail, just like you would with any other pipe. What amount should you start with? Start with the smallest amount possible: a tiny crumb, or a thin sliver.
Smoking Wax
We’re committed to helping you make the most of your cannabis experience. For more information on wax, concentrates, or anything else related to cannabis, please visit our store. Ask any questions you desired! You can always ask contact us
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